This case arose out of a serious personal injury incurred during yachting lessons organised by the Association les Glénans Center Nautique (LG). The main issue was to what extent LG could limit its liability under the LLMC 1976.
The Court of Cassation ruled (CMI1355), with reference to art L 5121-5 of the Transport Code and arts 6.1.a.i and 6.1.b.i of the LLMC 1976, that in French domestic law, the limit of liability of the owner of a ship with a tonnage of less than 300 tons is equal for claims for personal injury to 166,500 SDRs, and that the Paris Court of Appeal had exceeded that ceiling in its previous ruling. The matter was therefore referred to the Versailles Court of Appeal for decision.
Held: Ruling within the limits of the cassation, this Court says that the compensation ceiling concerning the accident is established at the total sum of EUR 327,311.85 (250,000 SDRs plus interest).
1. The following amounts are to be paid to the victim PW:
2. To XW, EUR 2,000 in compensation for his moral damage,
3. To JW, EUR 2,000 in compensation for her moral damage,
4. To the CPAM des Hautes Alpes: