Following an accident on a pleasure boat, the Pti’Jules, Association Navi Club RATP, Mr X and their insurers Société GMF La Sauvegarde applied to the Lorient Commercial Court for the benefit of their right to limit their liability. The Court granted the authorization to constitute a fund under the LLMC 76, arts L5121-1 of the Transportation Code and L173-24 of the Insurance Code. The constitution of the fund prevented the action of the creditors against the insurers.
The injured party raised the issue of the constitutionality of the above articles with this preliminary question: do they infringe upon the equal rights principle of a victim of injuries sustained during pleasure navigation, according to arts 1 and 6 of the 1789 French Bill of Rights (Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen) and upon the liability principle of its art 4.
The Cour de Cassation refused to grant the constitutionality review and held that: